E-Gift Card Disclaimer
Due to the content included in the eGift card email, some internet / email service providers will still consider the eGift card as spam. Please check your spam folder first. If within the first hour upon successfully purchasing an eGift card, you do not receive a copy of the email transaction within your email, please contact me at ukiyobeautyink@gmail.com with your order number and I will make specific accommodations to ensure you receive a digital version of the eGift card.
The card must be presented at time of redemption. No substitutes will be accepted including receipts. This card is not valid towards the purchase of another card. This card is not redeemable for cash and not applicable to a credit card account. Any resale or transfer of this card will render it void and subject to cancellation. This card is not replaceable if lost or stolen or destroyed. All prices are subject to change. The card is bound by Ukiyo Beauty & Ink's cancellation policy. For more info please contact the shop. No returns on gift cards.